
Welcome to Simple Fare, Fairly Simple. This is a place for me to post recipes of all kinds...along with other miscellaneous fodder from my so-called life here in the south. Who knows what you will find here. Could be anything from my husband...known as IT Guy...to my kids and beautiful grandbabies that are growing up way too fast right before my eyes. But...mostly this will be a place for food. I hope you'll see something you like and if you decide to try something from the list...leave me a comment and let me know!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tropical Snack Mix

We love to have snacks on hand that we can grab by the handful. Of course, IT Guy's favorite hand snack is peanut M&M's. He can go through those things so fast. I try not to buy them too often but once in a while I indulge him. I decided to whip up a somewhat more healthy option for him. I picked things I knew he liked and things I would be okay with him munching on. It's just nice to have a little something lying around when you need a little something to satisfy a craving.

Tropical Snack Mix

1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1 10-ounce package dried Tropical fruit mix
1 7-ounce package dark chocolate covered fruit ~ blueberries, cherries, pomegranate, etc.
1 12-ounce package Cinnamon Roasted almonds

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.

Store in a covered container.

Easy-peasy...let's go! 

Easy-peasy...let's go!

Pour everything in a bowl.... 

Pour everything in a bowl....

..and mix! 

..and mix!

Store in a covered container and enjoy munching. 

Store in a covered container 
and enjoy munching.


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