
Welcome to Simple Fare, Fairly Simple. This is a place for me to post recipes of all kinds...along with other miscellaneous fodder from my so-called life here in the south. Who knows what you will find here. Could be anything from my husband...known as IT Guy...to my kids and beautiful grandbabies that are growing up way too fast right before my eyes. But...mostly this will be a place for food. I hope you'll see something you like and if you decide to try something from the list...leave me a comment and let me know!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Everything Burgers

We went to visit our son and his family not too long ago and we all went out to eat. Our son ordered a hamburger that made me want to steal it right off his plate. I think the thing that pushed me over the edge was the fried egg that came on it. Why have I never thought of that before?? I knew when we got home I was going to make some burgers with fried eggs. And to make it even better...I add whole green chilies to it! Very yum!

Everything Burgers

1 pound ground beef
Salt & pepper
Lawry's Salt
Fried eggs
Whole green chilies
Bacon ~ fried almost crisp
Sliced tomato
Sliced onion
Ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.
Hamburger buns ~ I toasted ours in a little butter in a skillet

Prepare your beef into patties. Season with salt, pepper and Lawry's salt. Grill or pan fry.

Assemble your burgers with all the above stuff and eat them. So good!

Here's the line-up.

Make your patties...then cook 'em.

Fry your bacon. I did the weave method. 
This is 6 pieces of bacon, cut in half.

Love it.

Then fry your eggs. I used a round 
cookie cutter that I sprayed with 
cooking spray to cook the egg in 
because I wanted it to be round.

Then I flipped it over to cook the other side.

Grill your buns in a little butter.

Here's all the goodies, ready to 
make the outrageous burgers.

So delicious!!!


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