
Welcome to Simple Fare, Fairly Simple. This is a place for me to post recipes of all kinds...along with other miscellaneous fodder from my so-called life here in the south. Who knows what you will find here. Could be anything from my husband...known as IT Guy...to my kids and beautiful grandbabies that are growing up way too fast right before my eyes. But...mostly this will be a place for food. I hope you'll see something you like and if you decide to try something from the list...leave me a comment and let me know!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

As I was cruising the internet the other day, I ran across a picture of some popcorn. After reading the recipe, I decided I'd put a little twist on my own white chocolate popcorn. The recipe I saw was made with melted marshmallows...which I'm sure was delish...but I'm a white chocolate girl from way back so that the direction I went it. I made a bunch of this for my cookie exchange and lucky me...there was some leftover!! This would be super fun for any kind of party...just change the color of the M&M's to match the party!!

Winter Popcorn


3 packages microwave popcorn, popped
1 12-ounce package white chocolate chips
1 - 2 cups blue M&M's
Sanding sugar

Pop the popcorn and place in large bowl.

Melt the chocolate and pour over the popped corn.

Stir until popcorn is coated.

Sprinkle the M&M's into the popcorn then spread popcorn onto sheets of waxed paper.

Sprinkle with sanding sugar and allow to dry.

Here's what you need. Keep in 
mind that I doubled the recipe.

Pop the popcorn. Take out the duds!

Pour the melted chocolate and stir.

Sprinkle the M&M's over the top and toss to combine.

Spread out to dry but sprinkle 
the sanding sugar on first!

Eat it up!!


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