
Welcome to Simple Fare, Fairly Simple. This is a place for me to post recipes of all kinds...along with other miscellaneous fodder from my so-called life here in the south. Who knows what you will find here. Could be anything from my husband...known as IT Guy...to my kids and beautiful grandbabies that are growing up way too fast right before my eyes. But...mostly this will be a place for food. I hope you'll see something you like and if you decide to try something from the list...leave me a comment and let me know!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Get ready for CASSEROLE-CALL!! I'll be showcasing a casserole once a week for a while! I think there's almost nothing as comforting as a casserole. It's homey....it's easy...it's something almost everyone enjoys. I know there some out there who don't enjoy food that way...and that's okay....maybe there's something else here on SFFS that they can find to satisfy their palette. But for those of us who DO enjoy the old family favorite of a casserole..I hope you give them a try...and then let me know what you think!

So...when you see the below image you'll know that it's CASSEROLE DAY! So check it out!!


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